Friday, February 12, 2016


                     The double Hand Transplant


I read an article about people helping kids that don't have certain parts of their bodies.

In the children hospital in Philadelphia, have been helping kids with crucial needs.  The article I read was about a 7 year old boy named Zion.  When Zion was 2, he got a life-threatening disease that spread through his body.  because of this, he had to have both hands, both feet and his kidney surgery removed.  until he was 7, he learned to cope with every-day life.  He even learned how to play video games!  When he turned 7, he was given a double hand-transplant, and it was successful.  The doctors had to watch him for 2 weeks to insure there would be no infections.

I liked this article because it made me realize how thankful I should be that this didn't happen to me and it shows God was really watching out for Zion.

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