Wednesday, September 30, 2015

pg.1/1                                             Christian World Teen   Nov/Dec.  2014 pg.12

                                         "  Seekins You Will Find"                                                                                        By;                                                                                  Elizabeth                                                                                                 This is a mini article about a beetle that is very rare.  This beetles scientific name is: " Carabus vieting hoffi".  This beetle though, is normally called a" Rainbow Beetle."

    A boy , in Alaska, found a Rainbow Beetle which is even more rare to be found in Alaska because it walks everywhere.  Being flightless, it takes a very long time to go from place to place.

         I liked this article because it makes me think about why God would make a beetle like the Rainbow beetle and how cool it is. Scientists buy these bugs because they want to study them.  They pay a Lot for them. From my own expeirence, these bugs are so pretty because they are truly colorful.


Friday, September 25, 2015

Anything you want Sirum

               "Anything you want Sirum"
                                                                                                                                             by: Elizabeth


   Once upon a time, in the earlier, lush Arizona, before the giant, jagged, jutting rock formations,.. was Tortoice and Hare.  Yes the same ones that ran that ever famed race.


        One day, Tortoice stumbled upon an ancient, abandoned, ghastly laboritory.  He entered.  Inside, Inside were bottles and capsules filled with coulourful liquids that were labeled different names such as..." Mustle Mist" or "Speedo Spray".  Finally Tortoice found one he wanted. it was called "Anything you want Sirum".  Tortoice was astonished. He then grabbed the capsule  and greedily drank it and ran outside.  Meanwhile, on the other side of the lab was hare.  He was doing the same thing as Tortoice.  When Tortoice ran outside, Hare did to and they ran into each other. They both were as scared as a porcipine in a baloon factory.  Hare was first to recover from his scare.  He then challenged Tortoice to a new race.  Tortoice happily agreed to the challenge.

      Tortoice  and Hare began racing.   They were now 10x their original size and much faster after drinking the sirum.  After exacly 10 min...Arizona as they knew it was now over turned.  Its graceful lakes were now mud holes, and there were giant towers of jagged red rock.  Being so big they shifted the climet so it was quite warm.  Just as Tortoice and hare were about to see who was going to win...
their Sirums wore off .

          Tortoice and Hare now looked at the new home he created.  T hey now had to fight to survive in this new world all because of the "Anything you want Sirum"
